Why You Should NOT Start A Podcast
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There are a lot of podcasts out there right now – in fact, there are currently 3 million active podcasts worldwide.
While the significant number of listeners makes podcasts look very attractive, Worse, there are many dead podcasts, too – as podcasters abandoned them in between. Out of all the global podcasts, less than 50% are active, meaning only half of the shows had a new episode published this year.
In today’s throwback episode, I unpack why you SHOULDN’T start a podcast! While I love podcasting, and there are so many reasons to have one, there are some even better reasons why it might not be for you!
So, let’s tackle the inexperience, fatigue, and intimidation that hold you back from growing your influence and impact.
Listen in to learn more:
- Podcasting won’t make you get rich quickly!
- The concept of Podfade
- You need to create content that is high-quality and consistent.
Can you do me a favor? Podcast reviews are essential for all podcasters. They provide social proof that people like yourself listen, enjoy your show, and help others find out about it.
So all you have to do is —
Go over to ApplePodcasts.com/TheCreativeCast; use your phone if you can.
- Click the 5-star rating.
- Bonus points, y’all – and the chance for a shoutout on our podcast! – add a quick sentence about what you enjoy about the show, something you enjoyed learning about, etc. Make sure to include your podcast name if you have one!
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PS. Also, could you do ME a favor? I would love it if you could share this episode with 2 friends because the more you leave reviews and share about the show, the more people it helps find out about the Creative Cast.
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