What Veterans Day Means To Me!
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Hey Friends –
So why the bonus episode today and no episode this past Monday? I’ll be honest … last week was a hard week for managing my chronic illnesses, running a business, and my husband heading out of town. Sometimes- life gets in the way of our best intentions.
I had another episode planned with my friend and Veteran, Brittany Simmons, US Army LTC, Retired, but tech issues and audio quality made me re-think that. We’ll have Brittany on the show soon. 🙂
However, I couldn’t let Veterans Day go by without mentioning it. So today, I’m sharing about our past military life and what Veterans Day means to me!
So, let’s tackle the inexperience, fatigue, and intimidation that hold you back from growing your influence and impact.
- Hero Labradors https://www.herolabradors.org/our-mission
- Support the Enlisted Project https://www.teamstepusa.org/
- Soldiers’ Angels – https://soldiersangels.org/
- Semper Fi Fund https://vets2industry.org/
- National Military Family Association – https://www.militaryfamily.org/
If you’re still on the fence about what KIND of podcast format is right for you – I made this quiz to help take the guesswork out. ✨✨Take the quiz here!✨✨

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PS. Also, could you do ME a favor? I would love it if you could share this episode with 2 friends because the more you leave reviews and share about the show, the more people it helps find out about the Creative Cast.
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