What SCARES You As A Podcaster?
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Hey Friends –
Happy Halloween! Because of the holiday, I thought it would be fun to do a scary episode, at least things that scare podcasters. 🙂
So what scares YOU?
Well, that’s what we’ll help you with on this week’s show, where you’ll learn about what scares podcasters and how to make it less scary!
I asked some fellow podcasters and faith-based creatives about their fears and “scaries,” and this is what they shared…
- Dogs barking, forgetting to record, trucks/trains, helicopters – the fear is real y’all!
- No one is listening; my content is boring, downloads suck, etc.
- Imposter Syndrome
All scary things, right?! I get it, friends; I’ve been there.
The one thing I know about overcoming the “scaries” or fears is that the more you avoid something, the more your fear of it will grow and the more it paralyzes you. So let’s acknowledge and name it, create a plan and overcome it!
Listen in to learn more :
- Why I don’t like Halloween – no, it isn’t just about PSLs either!
- Barking dogs and other background noises and what to do about them
- “No one is listening” and how to reframe your thinking
- Imposter Syndrome, Fake News, and much more!
So, let’s tackle the inexperience, fatigue, and intimidation that hold you back from growing your influence and impact.
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If you’re still on the fence about what KIND of podcast format is right for you – I made this quiz to help take the guesswork out. ✨✨Take the quiz here!✨✨

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PS. Also, could you do ME a favor? I would love it if you could share this episode with 2 friends because the more you leave reviews and share about the show, the more people it helps find out about the Creative Cast.
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