What is Trending for 2023?
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Hey Friend,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas full of happiness, joy, and peace! (and some fantastic memories too!)
The last episode for 2022. Is that possible? This year was full of many transitions – a new business model + an utterly new rebrand. We added several new teams and clients this year. I experienced some setbacks thanks to the economy.
The other thing that this year brought was podcasting to the forefront – 2.4 MILLION podcasts, movies tv shows being made about podcasts, and podcasts being made about TV shows! So much good stuff.
The golden era of podcasting is coming… Get ready, ladies!
Listen to what is trending for 2023:
- Find your niche – Being relevant and unique in a community of a thousand is worth more than having millions of views that don’t convert.
- Podcast Ad Spending is growing – Podcasting ad revenue is growing faster (72%) than the total internet ad revenue (35%).
- Use data-driven content to create a better listening experience.
New markets being driven by the popularity of podcasting pulse MUCH MORE!
So, let’s tackle the inexperience, fatigue, and intimidation that hold you back from growing your influence and impact.
- Sign up for a FREE Coaching Call with Tammy (click the LET ME HELP YOU button) https://wildfirecreativecompany.com/podcast-coaching-with-tammy/
- Sign up with Libsyn using our code: WILDFIRE and get 2 MONTHS of Hosting FREE!!
- Buzz Sprout
- New Twitter-like platform coming: The Spill – https://www.spill-app.com/reserve
Are you on our email list?✨✨
Join the email list to learn all about podcasting news, tips, and TRICKS: Wildfirecreativecompany.com
Happy New Year, Y’all!

Connect with me on Instagram
PS. Also, could you do ME a favor? I would love it if you could share this episode with 2 friends because the more you leave reviews and share about the show, the more people it helps find out about the Creative Cast.
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