Is It Time To End Your Podcast?
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Hey, friend–
A few weeks ago, during one of our strategy calls, one of my clients mentioned she was thinking of ending her podcast. As we talked it through, she realized where she needed to head next.
It’s not something we like to think about for our podcast; however, it’s a common question that podcasters ask when they don’t see much growth or decreasing downloads even!
Here is the truth about podcasts …
They won’t all survive. Some will be a victim of podfade. No podcast is meant to last forever.
The ongoing question for podcast hosts and producers to ask when thinking of pulling the plug is whether this podcast is on its way up, has plateaued or is on its way out the door.
In today’s episode, I take a deep dive into why it might be time to wrap up your podcast, seek out some help, or possibly rebrand your podcast!
- Do you still have the passion, the fire, for your podcast as you did when you launched it?
- Has your podcast come to a natural end?
- My top tip for knowing if it is time to wrap up your podcast
- It’s time to change direction and MUCH MORE!
So, let’s tackle the inexperience, fatigue, and intimidation that hold you back from growing your influence and impact.
- Christy Wright’s new Podcast – Getting Your Hopes Up
- Podcasters Say Apple’s Hit-Making Influence Has Waned
- Need help producing your podcast? We would love to help you!
- Are you on our email list? Join the email list to learn all about podcasting news, tips, and TRICKS: ✨✨
Next week – I have a very special episode for you because it’s MY Birthday! Join me and my queso-loving friend, Melody Belotte, to learn all kinds of new things about me that you’ve probably never heard of before! (Including what I wanted to be when I was little! )

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PS. Also, could you do ME a favor? I would love it if you could share this episode with 2 friends because the more you leave reviews and share about the show, the more people it helps find out about the Creative Cast.
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